
Postdoctoral position in microfluidics and biomechanical cell sorting


A postdoctoral position is available at Georgia Tech in Mechanical Engineering and Bioengineering in the group of Todd Sulchek. The Sulchek Group studies the biomechanical properties of cells, tissues and proteins. The objective of this research project is to create and apply a high-throughput microfluidic cell sorting technology that is sensitive to stiffness, size, and/or viscosity. The chip consists of a microchannel with periodical, diagonal constrictions that deform cells as they flow to modify their trajectory in proportion to cell stiffness. The technology will be evaluated to sort a variety of ovarian cancer cells from other healthy cells. The ideal candidate should have strong experimental experience and/or interest in microfluidics and cell technologies. Experience with cell mechanics and atomic force microscopy is a plus. More information about the project can be found in the following publications:







salary will be determined by experience. Please email todd.sulchek@me.gatech.edu with a cv and a brief statement of your interest in this project.